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Hair Transplants for Women

Does hair transplant work for female?

Hair loss does not know gender bias. We know that, don’t we? Everyone we know, male or female, have hair loss at some point or the other. Some more than the others. Some speak of it, and some don’t. Some take action on it, while some resign to it. Learn everything you can about hair transplant soonest.

Question is, should you resign to it? No. Not when you have Trichology, and Trichologists, to help you with a multitude of solutions like never before. This is a field that has grown leaps and bounds over the past few decades.

One of the surefire options available to help with irreversible hair loss is surgical hair restoration or hair transplant as is commonly known. However, this is predominantly resorted to, as the last option, and mostly by men. To the extent, that it is believed that, (a) women do not go bald, and (b) hair transplant is an option only for men.

The question of the week, that we have picked to answer, is on this very topic. So, you asked, ‘Can Hair Transplant work for women too? Is surgical hair restoration a viable option for females?’

Hair Transplant

To put it simply, a Hair transplant achieves permanent natural hair restoration, be it in men or women. However, the hair loss pattern that a woman undergoes is a tad different from men. It is important to understand this difference, for you to truly comprehend the options available, the timeframe (yes, there is a duration in which a particular solution could work for you!) for each option to work, and decide on the way forward. This is something that needs professional intervention, and not something that you solve with DIY tips.

For those who haven’t been following us, and also those who have been keeping up with our blogs, let’s have a quick recap on the topic, especially on hair loss & restoration in women. As mentioned above, the condition is a bit different in women and the approach, treatment or solution too will differ to that extent.

How is hair loss different in women, from men?

Hair loss in women can be in many forms or patterns. Predominantly, we categorize and analyze gender-wise as male pattern thinning/baldness (MPT) or female pattern thinning/baldness (FPT). In the case of MPT, the pattern of hair loss is characteristically U-shaped. It starts with thinning on the crown or a receding hairline, which advances to thin the top of the head.

In the case of FPT in women, Androgenetic Alopecia appears as diffuse hair loss or thinning in the front-vertex (center-parietal) region (atop of the frontal region). The frontal hairline is spared in most cases. This type of hair loss happens at a slower rate than in men and most often happens at a much later time in life. However, the incidence of this is now on the rise in young adolescent girls. In any case, age is immaterial. It does not make it less traumatic for a woman, especially if she has had luxuriant hair before.

Depending on when you spot signs of hair & scalp trouble, and at what stage you choose to seek professional help, various solutions are available – Hairfall control treatments, hair thinning treatments, hydrotherapy, hair color damage treatment, non-surgical hair systems, and also surgical hair restoration i.e. hair transplant. An accurate diagnosis paves way for therapeutic treatments, diet & lifestyle changes, and other such corrective options – all of which need professional guidance. Study as much as you can about hair transplant.

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